Muharram 1438-  Darbare Ma'sumeen Majalis Schedule


Maulana Syed Moosa Raza

Moulana Ahmad Naqvi

Moualna Irfan Behlool

Moulana Mohammed Mian

Maulana Taqi Mehdavi

Moulana Hussain Haider

Moulana Wasi Hyder

1 -11Muharram


22-30 Muharram

1-10  Safar

11-20 Safar

21- 30 Safar


2-Oct-2016 till 14-Oct -2016

15-Oct-2016 till 22-Oct -2016

23 Oct 2016 till 31 Oct-2016

1-Nov-2016 till 10-Nov-2016

11-Nov-2016 till 20-Nov-2016

21-Nov-2016 till  30 Nov 2016

1-Dec-2016 till 8-Dec-2016


8:30 pm - Quran     8.35 pm - Marsia      8:45 pm - Majlis    9:45 pm - Matam    10:00 pm - Ziyarat

Niaz on selected days

 Requests to those attending:

v  Inform/Encourage other momineen to attend the majalis.

v  Do not bring Bags & cooperate with the Persons in charge of security

v  Attend the majlis on time.

v  Park your car correctly, and do not block the road or other cars.

v  Do not park your car In front of shops.

v  Keep your shoes/footwear on the designated place, not on the floor or stairs.

v  Sit at the nearest available place near mimbar.

v  Do not stand/assemble outside the hall premises.